Hey all. DLW here. Sorry about the delays, had some... let’s say nightmare level family issues pop up as well as some other stuff I’ve been up to.

Also getting a new computer soon, so there’s that.

Now that that’s all over, I will continue with more postings over the coming week.

Gonna start with a new story, cover by @@judyhopps44 (sorry for the delay, had to do some storyline writing that got interrupted with family stuff... nightmare level stuff that hopefully won’t happen again).

After that, more IOD. Let me know what stories you all would like to see updated after that. XD

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S-89P13's avatar

First of all I hope you’re alive and well, since the world’s gone to shit. I was wondering of the 2nd book of your fic Predation will be out anytime soon. Been wanting to read even a little bit of the new stuff from it for a few years. Take care!