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need something to believe
30 Watchers133 Deviations
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You Were Fake, I Was Great -22 by Jasey-Rae-Dominoes, literature

Boys of Seclusion - 1 by missxscissorhands, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (19)
My Bio

music and coffee

Current Residence: Australia
Favourite genre of music: Punk, Alternate rock, rock, hard-core, screamo, emo...
Favourite style of art: my style, which i'm not sure what is yet
MP3 player of choice: Mine
Favourite cartoon character: Spaceboy
Personal Quote: its funny cos its true ^^

Favourite Visual Artist
Andy Warhol,
Favourite Movies
trainspotting, mean girls
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
All time low, yma6, set your goals, blink 182, asking alexandria
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe, Ellen Hopkins
Favourite Games
pacman, Kingdom hearts
Tools of the Trade
My mind
Other Interests
bass, music, art,

Stolen from jon

0 min read
1. Your name: emmaThe most gorgeous woman ever seen. Known to randomly throw out little adorable and hysterical one-liners. Very artistically talented. One who has no true idea of her true beauty, both inside and out. A very very special woman that has the love and admiration of a person willing to do almost anything for her. haha k then...2. Your Age: 17When you have more responsibility than at 16, but without all the fun of 18.3. One of your Friends: kaitlyn Someone with large boobs that are usually the shape of coconuts. A Kaitlyn is also someone who likes it rough. hahahahahaha4. What Should You be Doing: sleeping When u close your eye...
anonymous's avatar
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It's the floating feeling you get just after. You know you've done something wrong, but all you can think is, if its so wrong, then why does it feel so good. It's the look on your "friends" faces when they find out about you, the same "friends" who never call you back, ignore you in public, and never take time out of their day to ask if you're alright. It's the itching feeling you get before it happens, before you decide you're going to, the need to feel it over and over again. It's the feeling that, this is the only thing that's going to make you feel loved and wanted, when you can't love yourself and more than anything you need an escape...
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0 min read
fuck im so fucking self conscious of my weight, and right now i feel like a fucking whale. i know some people may disagree with me, but im just having a low right now, and im alowed to hate myself cos im the one who has to put up with myself everyday, and i can be really fucking ugly somedays. now i just feel terrible.iv started this butterfly things -->http://thesleeplessgoldfish.tumblr.com/post/1131238868/dieinyourarms-crymeafuckingriverbitch (i think the link will work...?) and anyway, people have started to notice me alwasy having random butterflys drawn on me, or they've noticed i havnt washed off my butterflies (cos u have to let the...
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ayame93foreva's avatar
emma! come back to us! i miss you and the joy you brang to the group at school!
mayaMyChemRo's avatar
Happy Birthday! :iconmarshugplz:
muse-7's avatar
Thank you for the llama badge, my sexy Emma ;)
DanPhantomGraphics's avatar
Gin85's avatar
Thanks for the :+fav: :hug:
MewBonBon13's avatar
Thanks for the fave! :D And I have to say, your poetry is amazing :omg: