Daminami's avatar


71 Watchers692 Deviations

Eggshell by Daminami, literature

Black by Daminami, literature

Orange by Daminami, literature

Tan by Daminami, literature

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Eggshell by Daminami, literature

Black by Daminami, literature

Orange by Daminami, literature

Tan by Daminami, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Jan 23, 1986
  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

I dont show myself here as much as i realized i missed doing. I wish i cuold say that starting tomorrow i am going to draw more and submit but, dialysis.
Chronic Kidney disease to go along with my other health issues and ive just been out of wack with a lot. I feel more like a neet most days too. Im either in my room or at the facility getting blood cleaned from the crazy straws in my chest..and neither one of those places i really want to be. I want to be...where my heart still is. I just wished i was welcomed there.

anywho, hi anyone with the misfortune of coming across my dead page so to speak. I used to draw these things and now im just sorta..in limbo. thank you for stopping by. I play warframe, SWTOR, WoW, and like grilled cheese sandwiches. Sometimes i feel im a few negatives terms short of being an edgelord or something, however things are looking up?

can i say that? is that safe?

Favourite Movies
Meet joe black, last samurai, phantom of the opera...hero, ah ill get back to ya on the rest
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
police, duran duran. tears for fears, depech mode, dido, coldplay, seal, etc
Favourite Writers
Maya A.
Favourite Games
legend of dragoon
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
jack of all trades and a master of none?
Other Interests
anime writing drawing gaming cooking loving
I've been thinking about starting my own comic with webtoons, so many pop up nowadays though. Different artists and stories will the new list and it's rather intimidating. I don't know.
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0 min read
Im sure some of you remotely kinda sort of care but yes I am alive.if that made any sense.I have been working, stressing, not drawing, stressing, working, stressing, moving, not drawing, stressing, working, and making nice meals for myself due to being in the hospital for about a week about a month and a half ago.Oh and starwars...lots of TOR.I have these ideas though, constantly, where i DO finally end the saga with Iri/Vidina and things change...big time id like to think. But everytime I think about actually putting a pencil to the paper, i cant bring myself to do so. must be the moving..or the stress...nah. ;pI miss being here, I miss s...
anonymous's avatar
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So I have net now. You have been missed dearly guys...uh...gals..those of you whom respond to m-- who i can talk t-- uh..dA buddies :D uh, im still working at DSW doing freight(shipments) most of the weekdays and then being a regular associate during the weekends. Currently living with more family and have been disliking it, but beggars cant be choosers you know? The general plan is to...try and save money when i can so that i can eventually move, of course now with december coming in, my mother and sister's birthday are coming up and christmas. this will be the...second year that I am the only one with some income to provide my sister wit...
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Profile Comments 945

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SleepingWolfMemoriez's avatar
Neicha-chan's avatar
Heya ! Thanks for faving !
You doing good?
Daminami's avatar
I was on the edge of everything so to speak but I was pulled away from it a little.
It's been hard but I'm still alive. Thank you for asking. I thought it strange that my phone went off and I saw your name. I was trying to figure out how you got a hold of me.
Neicha-chan's avatar
Well glad to hear you're still kicking man. Hope your stuff sorts itself out soon.
Did you install the da app and got notifications?
I definitely don't have your number :')
Daminami's avatar
Still kicking is probably an understatement nowadays. It's really hard. I was ready to go and still even now, it lingers sort of.
But yes, I have the app on my phone and I forgot I did. I have been drawing while at work but I never think about uploading until I am home and at an actual scanner--then I don't feel like it anymore.
ApplePieh's avatar
Neicha-chan's avatar
Hey thanks for faving ! How have you been ?