I dont show myself here as much as i realized i missed doing. I wish i cuold say that starting tomorrow i am going to draw more and submit but, dialysis.
Chronic Kidney disease to go along with my other health issues and ive just been out of wack with a lot. I feel more like a neet most days too. Im either in my room or at the facility getting blood cleaned from the crazy straws in my chest..and neither one of those places i really want to be. I want to be...where my heart still is. I just wished i was welcomed there.
anywho, hi anyone with the misfortune of coming across my dead page so to speak. I used to draw these things and now im just sorta..in limbo. thank you for stopping by. I play warframe, SWTOR, WoW, and like grilled cheese sandwiches. Sometimes i feel im a few negatives terms short of being an edgelord or something, however things are looking up?
can i say that? is that safe?