Karim in the snowDamaiMikaz on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/damaimikaz/art/Karim-in-the-snow-824856695DamaiMikaz

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DamaiMikaz's avatar

Karim in the snow



The day Karim turned eighteen, he decided to go his own path and enrolled at the military academy. He wanted to do something with his powers and saw the military academy as his best option. During a four-year training program, he was trained to be a solid esper. He was a class 4, but his intelligence compensated for what he lacked in sheer energy. He was capable and talented, yet the work disappointed him. He'd always kept silent about how he could hear people's thoughts. Reading minds was normal to some degree, but it wasn't normal to be able to hear the thoughts of your superiors, let alone those that far surpassed him in energy. Something like that was illegal, he knew all too well. He might've unknowingly slipped through the loops of the classification system, but he was very much an illegal, just like the people the army arrested. Karim saw the thoughts of his superiors, he knew their fears, and knew that their intentions weren't all good. And eventually he grew tired of the lies and stopped working for them.

A bit of reflection on how Karim ended up with the rebels.

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Karim from my Emion project. 
More about him:
The gentlemen by DamaiMikaz  Mindbending team by DamaiMikaz 

More from this project:
  Sato 2019 by DamaiMikaz  You think you're cut out for this? by DamaiMikaz  Aiden and dad by DamaiMikaz  Young Aiden in the lab by DamaiMikaz 

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Poopytanksatan's avatar
He Linda looks like Markiplier