Thank You! For restoring my confendence!

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Dama130's avatar
After the slue of art, yeah! I got it back! It didn't just COME back on it's own either. So I just wanna give a heart-filled thank you for what you guys did for me.
:iconsetosgeni: & the :iconthefanspov: crew sent me a video of the latest con they visited and in the video was my favorite Voice Actor Scott McNeil, doing Stork's voice (from Storm Hawks) one of my favorite characters. If that wasn't special enough, He made the statement "Your Artwork is Amazing" and I was brought to tears! I can't thank you enough for that! Prepare yourselves cause if I get the money to go visit you, you're all getting vice-love-hugs! >u<

Other friends have been helping me through this time too.

:iconzahzu: Even when your life is the most hectic and down, you always know what to say to cheer me up and encourage me. I still envy that ability you have of putting your feelings into words, you really inspire me. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

:iconcreativefreak18: You really stuck with me through the years, you're awesome, I love the calls and talking to you, you cheer me up even when I'm at my grumpiest. Also thanks for introducing me to AL-Cube.

Speaking of...

:iconalphacubix: I didn't realize till Creative told me, that I have an adorable fan like you and that I inspire you so much! I really makes me want to work harder and keep going with my work! Thanks!!

:icondragontrap: Thanks even when I'm in a distant way for sticking with me. And thank's for sharing your WIPs of your Second Draft Audition, it really got me inspired even though I never worded it. Good Luck and thank you so much.

© 2015 - 2025 Dama130

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Jajna's avatar
So glad you moving up and that you have so many pals keeping your back /^U ^-/