[DDR] [NVA] early East German Air Force [BC2]DAKY-Illustrations on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/daky-illustrations/art/DDR-NVA-early-East-German-Air-Force-BC2-873870833DAKY-Illustrations

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[DDR] [NVA] early East German Air Force [BC2]



Hi all, here is the Basic Collection II of the early NVA Air Force (Luftstreitkräfte der NVA) from 1956 to around 1975.

The statutory establishment of the NVA took place on January 18th, 1956 which had already begun under the direction and guidance of the Soviet Union in mid-July 1952 (proclamation of the national armed forces by the People's Chamber of the GDR).
In the years up to 1956 the basic structures of the barracked People's Police (KVP) and other militarily organized organs were used to form the cadre of the NVA.
In addition, there were many former prisoners of war and members of the Wehrmacht who were released from Soviet captivity after previously been given ideological training at anti-fascist field schools.
In 1958 the NVA consisted of around 23% former members of the Wehrmacht including mostly officers and NCOs.

In ideological terms the founders and the Leadership of the NVA did not see the new Army as the successor organizations of the Wehrmacht or the Reichswehr or other comparable armies.
However, external structural elements and similar Uniforms of the former Wehrmacht and the Reichswehr were used. This new army should above all get inspired by the traditions of the revolutionary Germans in history.
Desirable elements within German military history are therefore the peasants during the Peasant Wars around 1525, the rebellious and revolutionary Germans during the March Revolution in 1848/49, the Sailor Uprising in Kiel in 1918 and the Communist and Socialist Revolutionary Movements led by Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, the KPD (Communist Party of Germany) and the red-front-fighters (Roter-Frontkämpferbund) in the early days of the Weimar Republic.

If you plan an army you also have to plan its clothing. There was initially no real answer on how this new army should dress.
Since the last war had a very strong ideological component, caution was advised here as well as in West-Germany when it came to depicting the new character of this new German army.
In this committee two tendencies initially dominated:
The first one that preferred a stronger bond with the Soviet Army. This would practically result in a complete takeover of the Soviet uniform cuts and insignia with few exceptions as it was already done with the KVP.
The second one that sought a more prominent position for the GDR within the Warsaw Pact as the GDR had to struggle for a long time to be recognized externally.
These recognitions were more likely if it could not be seen as a Soviet-Puppet-State. So efforts were made on the side of the GDR and the Soviet Union to create a uniform tradition that was cultivated independently of the Red Army and that also could made use of elements of from former German armies like the Wehrmacht and the Reichswehr. uniforms could be divided into the following groups: Work and air field uniforms, aviator suits, service uniforms and formal servis uniforms.

Hope you like it!

"Militärische Uniformen in der DDR 1949 bis 1999" by Klaus Ulrich Keubke and Manfred Kunz

- This collection is a work from the project Uniforms in the German Democratic Republic: www.deviantart.com/daky-illust…
- Unfortunately, the sources of the special qualification badges are extremely poor that's why some of the badges shown here have no source confirmation.


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PHAFFM's avatar

The decorations and medals are awesome!