My Dva Desktop - NERF THISDaisyNovo on DeviantArt

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My Dva Desktop - NERF THIS



The original design of this was created by peach soda on YouTube, here's the video:…

It's made with some rainmeter skins, here are them:

Overwatch Desktop:
Dva wallpaper:…

Actually, the Overwatch Desktop isn't avaiable anymore. I got it by the archive .org site. Also, I had to make the hexagons and the icons inside them. The SAI, OBS and Discord icons were made by me too.

You can see I have some Desktop Mascots.
Dva Shimeji:…
Chobits & K-on:…

I couldn't find the Chobits and K-on creators. If you know them, please, tell me so I can credit them.
Image size
1365x767px 2.39 MB
© 2018 - 2025 DaisyNovo
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