Hey guyz,my name's Kim..but you can call me Kim C: I love nigahiga X3 he's awesome I love z colors red and orange! I'm 15 years old I'm a huge fan of Princess Daisy,Blaze the Cat,Shadow the Hedgehog and Mr.L/Luigi x3 Mah birthday's on April 17 arty: I lub South Park!! Kenny is mai fav though. My ID wasn't made by me,mjponso made it for me
Team Royal
Team Power Princesses
Team Gamer Gals
Team Princess
~Kim~ ~Emily~ ~Lyndsay~ ~Fluer~
Team Fantasy
~Cherry~Xoras~ Lyndsay~Kim~Ginger~Vie~~Annie~
My Mario voice alike is Rosalina
My Sonic voice alike is Blaze
My Mario look alikes are Pauline and Daisy
My Sonic look alike is.....*has no idea xD*
dA family!
dA Mom:
dA Daddeh:
Twin sistah:
dA sistahs:
dA bros:
Imaginary friends/personal stalkers:
Person who makes me laugh: X3
My crazy sister who stalks me and is obsessed with Russia: D:
Please remind me if you already were in my dA family or let me know if ya wanna be in it! x3
I wish you were still active </3
Damn it, I miss Her