i wanna get into drawing more animals =Di want to try lions next =3buuuuut i have no idea really the structure...and i was gonna try a more TLK style cuz i have a feeling i would do fairly good with it...but i cant find any tutorials O.oif you could link me to some that would be awesome =3or even give me some links to pictures of a side view of screen shots or whatever it would all be awesome >.> i learn best when shown a picture rather than being told how to do it step by step o.o1 Link (example): http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/206/0/9/Lion_King_Fanart_Collection_2_by_Cici_R.png
hi my friend xD I am holding a contest and if you would be interested you can enter if you would like if you dont have time its also okay if you can enter please tell me ^^