Well, you're probably aware that Dissidia Opera Omnia is shutting down on February 29, after more than 5 years entertaining the Final Fantasy fandom.
It may be just another mobile game to you, but imagine how fans who've been playing it since Day one , spending time and money on it , must be feeling. 😥
I am not among those players , I did download the game and played the first chapters , but when I realized it could easily become addictive , I stopped playing , and stuck with watching both JP and Eng playthrough on YT.
Because I didn't want to experience the same as with Mobius FF, a wonderful FF mobile game , that was criminally shut down by SE for no reason. It has a huge fanbase , the game DLC was selling good, but since the team working on it was the same as FF7 Remake, SE probably thought it would slow down the development of Remake , and decided to shut down Mobius FF. I still can't get over it even now! 😡
And once again, Square Enix show no consideration for their fans.