Favourite Visual Artist
Diane Arbus
Favourite Movies
Amelie, Pulp Fiction, Paper Moon, Inglorious Basterds, Tron (Jeff Bridges!)
Favourite TV Shows
Seinfeld, Various animes (DBZ, Baccano!, Soul Eater, Eden of the East, XXXholic and the list continues...)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Shiny Toy Guns, La Roux, White Stripes, Florence and the Machine
Favourite Books
Nana, 1984, Farenheit 451, Slaughterhouse 5, Harry Potter series
Favourite Writers
Emile Zola, Kurt Vonnegut, Joyce Carol Oates, Carson McCullers
Favourite Games
Bioshock, WoW, LA Noire, Fallout, Batman Arkham Asylum
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Olympus E510, Sigma 105mm macro, Sigma 55-200mm, various odds and ends, a little glitter and junk that's lying around
Other Interests
Cosplay, reading, gaming, burlesquing, people watching and napping at a 5th grade level