ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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Icon Tier
This tier features unique and high-quality icon/avatar/portrait art.
1:1 Aspect Ratio, 4096x4096.
Perfect for profile pictures or otherwise!
[If you want to see some references of what it will look like, check out the "Icon Art" section of my gallery.]
Suggested Collections

Premio terminado para

Jaina Proudmoore vigilante sobre su torre en Theramore ^^
Me siento muy orgullosa de este dibujo, ya que es un cambio al estilo que suelo usar y hay algunas cosas en las que he mejorado en el dibujo, como por ejemplo, las manos. Tengo aún mucho que mejorar.
Espero que os guste a todos los amantes del World of Warcraft y al premiado claro ^^.
Completed award for

Jaina Proudmore keep an eye on in her tower of Theramore
I am very proud of this picture, because it is a change in the style that I use and there are some things that I've improved in the drawing, such as hands. I have yet to improve.
Hope you like it to all lovers of World of Warcraft and the winner of course.
Tools: SAI & Photoshop + brushes for the trees

Character (c) Blizzard
Art: Me
World of Worcraft: Blizzard
Image size
4133x7000px 6.93 MB
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"The gardens of Dalaran was merely a setback"- Kael'Thas Sunstrider.