DaemonCorps's avatar


40 Watchers134 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (46)
My Bio

over-opinionated writer/comicker

Favourite Visual Artist
Akira Toriyama, Yusuke Murata, Yusuke Nakamura
Favourite Movies
Heavyweights, RocketMan, Cast Away, The Thieves, Summer Wars
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
j and k-pop / AKMU / sotaisei riron / Goose House
Favourite Games
Super Mario World
Favourite Gaming Platform
mobile / portable
Tools of the Trade
photoshop and a wacom tablet
Other Interests
opinion over-sharing (aka tweeting/blogging)

Profile Comments 45

anonymous's avatar
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AlmightyGingerOne's avatar
Thank you very much for the favourite =)
Rickz0r's avatar
Thank you very much for the fave~
jnkwarrior's avatar
thanks so much for the fav on my legos ^^
DaemonCorps's avatar
No prob! Did it from my phone, so wasn't sure if it actually got fave'd or not. Glad to know it did!
JustTomTom's avatar
Arigatou for zee favourite! :D (Two languages and a stereotypical accent)
DaemonCorps's avatar
haha, wouldn't have it any other way on teh internetsors.