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d3v0nd351gn on DeviantArt
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I know there are a few glitchy spots along the apple... I'm working that out. I wanted to submit it, anyway, because I still like it ;D
Image size
1280x800px 266.74 KB
© 2008 - 2025 d3v0nd351gn
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i heard that if you're having trouble with the shape of the apple, theres a key combination that produces the apple shape as text so you don't have to pen tool it.
not sure what it is though.
regardless, it's beautiful and currently on my mbp
i'm stretching it, which still looks fine, but is there any chance you could upload a 1440 by 900?
not sure what it is though.
regardless, it's beautiful and currently on my mbp
i'm stretching it, which still looks fine, but is there any chance you could upload a 1440 by 900?