Commissions updated*

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D33ablo's avatar
Hey guys :) I'm going to have some particular stuff this time when I do commissions. Work is currently my priority and I need some sort of extra income. I'm going to have to work faster.. So yeah. If you're interested pm me.

Here are my guidlines:

1. Black and white - 15$

Feilipa commission by D33ablo Abel artjam by D33ablo

2. Full colored bust - 25$

Sub-Zero commission by D33ablo

3. Full colored character - 30$

Colonel Cutter commission by D33ablo Denton commission by D33ablo Baldur Hodd commission by D33ablo Luka commission by D33ablo

If you have some things in mind, pricing, details, you can still note me. We can talk about it :)

© 2013 - 2025 D33ablo
anonymous's avatar
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NewWorldZomB's avatar
I understand the prices. Because of things like time. But its digitally I would understand why the prices were so high if you were doing them traditional and were using your supplies. But at the same time these are good prices. Might just have to get a commission