RSIG-RugerSauer UNISIX CompactD1scardingS4bot on DeviantArt

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RSIG-RugerSauer UNISIX Compact



The UNISIX Compact, also known as the Universal Six Compact or just USX-C, is the compact-sized variant of the original UNISIX caseless pistol designed and manufactured by the Swiss-German-American RSIG-RugerSauer industrial group. The compact variant was first introduced in 2140, and it has a shorter frame and barrel than the original but still provides high-velocity firepower with good accuracy and a pleasant recoil impulse. It only sacrifices a minor amount of velocity for its more compact and lightweight form, meaning that the UNISIX Compact remains a capable high-velocity combat pistol in a more compact, easily carried package.

The UNISIX Compact is a semi-automatic handgun with a gas-delayed action and interlocking chamber. It fires all types of 6.8×33mmCT RS-MPC caseless ammunition. The bottom of the frame is fitted with SARS rails for mounting accessories and a mounting plate can be fitted to the top of the gun to enable the use of various red dot sights. The UNISIX is also formidable in its resistance to the physical environment. The ingress of dirt and debris into vital components is made very unlikely due to its closed-off design, non-reciprocating charging handle, and not having to eject empty casings after firing. Meanwhile, frame-integrated thermal insulation keeps hazardous heat build-up away from user controls. All major components of the firearm's mechanism are situated above an anti-thermal liner made from THZB/36 Alumino-Silicate barrier material. Otherwise, the weapon features typical handgun features with a bolt hold-open function on empty magazines and manual safety integrated into the frame above the trigger.

The exhibit shown above is the second-generation model of the UNISIX Compact pistol released in 2156, featuring several upgrades from the original first-generation model. It is worth noting that the exhibit above has had its magazine release oriented on the right side of the weapon for demonstration purposes. The third-generation model was introduced in 2180 and leans more into the world of Electro-Mechanical weapons technology with pre-installed in-frame electronics, a rear-mounted live ammunition counter, and modified magazines with an onboard compact battery unit.


This information has been provided by the 

International Manufacture & Proofing Association for Arms & Ammunition (IMAANI).


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Daniel-McKnight's avatar

Hello. Would it be able to house this type of magazine for more ammo?