Ch2 The Borders of Gondor pg 7Cycloprax-Tinj on DeviantArt

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Ch2 The Borders of Gondor pg 7



This might the fastest I've updated and it's due to the fact that I can't go anywhere and you guys have been getting me excited about this with your kind comments. I have one other page fully sketched and will start lining that tomorrow. 

Chapter 1: A Disarming Conversation
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Chapter 2: The Borders of Gondor
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4400x6800px 10.68 MB
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ridikill's avatar

I don't think I've mentioned previously how much of a good job you did capturing the look of the Rangers' costumes. They really look like they walked off the film set. The temptation is just to draw them in drab robes but you really nailed their look down to their belts and gloves.

I do like that Akilah and Damrod part on somewhat optimistic terms. I also think Maku is being a little optimistic with his evalutation of his combat skills...