Cybertrons-Core's avatar


Transformers Writing Community
Years Ago
45 Members59 Watchers

Empty by silverblades2, literature

Memory by JZLobo, literature

Reboot Preview by JZLobo, literature

Comments 82

anonymous's avatar
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Black-Mech's avatar
Yay for the Short Stories section - is there any way of moving the short stories in other folders to that file? It might mean a chunk of time is taken out of the day, but it would make sense to do so, wouldn't it?
JZLobo's avatar
Done! Sorry about the wait.
Black-Mech's avatar
Don't worry about it - but thanks for doing it :)
D-usk's avatar
Posted my survey on the site! ^ ^
JZLobo's avatar
Much appreciated, thanks!
Black-Mech's avatar
Part of me is saying that there should be some form of 'Fanfiction' section to the gallery, that way stuff like all the fiction I splurge out will have a hope designed for it , instead of getting dumped into the 'Site Related' section.

Just an idea if you wanted to implement that.
JZLobo's avatar
Hmm. It's something to consider, if we get more people contributing to it.