Ace cardcyberduality on DeviantArt

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Ace card



Ace card

high-quality excellence

It originally meant the side of a die with only one pip

before it was a term for a playing card Since this was

the lowest roll of the die it traditionally meant bad luck

in Middle English but as the ace is often the highest

playing card its meaning has since changed to mean

high-quality excellence

The Ace of Spades symbolizes mental clarity and new

ideas In French fortune-telling tradition the Ace of

Spades can indicate bad fortune and even death

This card is a sight for the sore eyes It ensures luck

success in its endeavors it announces a sum of

money an inheritance and good news

It signals tremendous success and good fortune

especially in regards to your spiritual development

and physical abundance

Ace card

#Marquis #Accoster

Image size
527x800px 20.79 KB
© 2025 cyberduality
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