R3X-Q7 rexcyberdragon5 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cyberdragon5/art/R3X-Q7-rex-605648025cyberdragon5

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R3X-Q7 rex



name: rex
model: 43X-Q7
diameter: 1 meter
owner: tony goad
upgrades:  2 forward mounted grabber arms, flexible s-comp connector, nano goo multi connector/tool, adaptive programming translator, advanced hovering system, back up mobility legs, crystal drive data core.
personality: loyal, brave, funny, depressed

back story: rex is the only droid that actually found me wile going though space, he had been left on an old rusty star fighter keeping it running for over 700 years, sad thing is when his master died in the cockpit he never really understood why his master wouldn't wake up, he was never programmed about death and his master never taught him what it was, for over 90 years he's kept the fighter in perfect working order thinking his master was sleeping for a very long time, the cabin had been made a vacuum which preserved the body. when i told him what death was and that his master was never going to wake up it broke his tin plated heart, and has been sulking in the star fighter sense, i've been trying so hard to find a family for him and to help him through the sudden realization and was making slow progress.

droid bases made by :iconmarcusstarkiller:
droids used: www.furaffinity.net/view/19515… www.furaffinity.net/view/19420…
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278x269px 4.24 KB
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