Memory is a fickle thing.As far as Red's mind is concerned, he did not exist before age three.Recollections of age four are fuzzy, like an impenetrable haze. He could distinctly remember the bright flame on a red candle, a large hand patting his head and crumbs on the sofa. Nothing specific.Perhaps his first, clear memories is when he was age five, old enough to want his own Pokemon except he received a cap instead. Nevertheless, he had happily walked out of the Safari Zone hand-in-hand with mom and dad, tummy full from mom's delicious hand-made sandwiches, eyes brimming with excitement when dad promises a Poliwag on his next birthday if (...
... ......... Oh? Is someone there?How strange. I rarely see a person up so high in these mountains. Not alive, anyway.You're wondering who I am? And what I'm doing up here all by myself? Don't worry. I'm not alone. My Pokemon are with me. I haven't sent them out in awhile, though. I don't want them to go against such harsh conditions.... You still don't know who I am? How fitting. Why else would you have wandered up here unless it would be to search for me?My last challenger was months ago. Or was it a year? I cannot remember. What? You didn't come to battle me? You weren't even aware I was here...?Oh, I see how it is.I've been forgotten....
Part OneMy parents died when I was a little girl. That's probably the first thing I should mention. We owned a milk farm off in the countryside in Johto. It was a large patch of sunny meadow, our house taking up only a tiny portion of its space. I recall being a little girl and helping my mother milk the Miltank every morning. Well, it was more like my mother doing all the work while I ran around and goofed off. But it was still one of my better memories of my childhood.One day, my parents went off to bring our famous milk into town ー and never came back. We had expected them home by at least dinner, with me hoping for a gift from the mar...
Creepypasta - Only A Shadow by doldendraco14, literature
Creepypasta - Only A Shadow
It was bright. Too bright.
I raised a paw to shield my eyes from the fierce glare, moaning from the piercing pain it sent into my brain. As my pupils adjusted, I found myself staring around with wonder. There were tall brown things with big bushy green tops, and smaller green stuff that was soft and springy under my body. Dotted around were pretty colourful things that gave the air a nice, scented aroma. I shivered as a breeze passed by my body - my blue fur was still wet from my time in the egg, and the wind chilled me. Without warning I was covered in a thick, warm sheet and raised off the ground. I twisted in alarm as a hand came toward...
"Yes! They missed! Quick, strike them down with a Scratch before they get up!"My Charmeleon - Thomas - was relaxed and confident. He had barely any scratches on him, and the few he did have were nothing. Why the hell anybody would send a Caterpie out to face a Charmeleon was anyones guess. The trainer wasn't even a Bug Catcher! Oh well. An easy win for me, I guess. There was suddenly a loud cry. I looked up and saw that the Caterpie was defeated. Oddly, however, Thomas was still attacking, as if filled with a burning hate for what he saw."Woah! Calm down, Thomas! No need to KILL the poor thing!" I called out to my friend. He blinked and sn...
Pokemon Creepypasta: wisps of Wil-o by SuicuneLuver, literature
Pokemon Creepypasta: wisps of Wil-o
Ah yes! Down time, something that I had been finding increasingly hard to come by these days in the middle of the desert that is Iraq. I had pulled a few strings and managed to get my DSi shipped here overseas along with a few Pokémon games, it was difficult and most of it had been done by a friend of mine in the logistics division but that's besides the point. The point is that I was going to finally get a chance to play SoulSilver after finishing my ten hour patrol, nothing major had happened and I was thankful for that....
I started SoulSilver like normal and loaded the save game that I had, when it finally loaded I smiled, there duti...
Some might say I'm a little too obsessed with video games. Ever since I got into Pokémon, sometimes I would just sit in my room and play for hours, even when I got older and moved out of my family's house.The other day, I was playing the new Pokémon Black. I had recently managed to score it with a new DSi for about $200 all up, so I was pretty happy with the bargain.I was walking around, training my extremely newly caught Elgyem. I had been looking for a good Psychic Pokémon, and it seemed really powerful.I was training it around the area, and it levelled up to Level 29."Elgyem wants to learn Simple Beam! But it cannot learn more than four...
I'm sorry that I didn't post anything last month, but honestly the stress of that damned virus prevented me from being more productive. As an apology, here's a picture of Key that's not good enough to be a full submission.