PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts aftermath! by Rebcutie, journal
PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts aftermath!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's over! ;~; Just a little over two weeks ago, was PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts. Allow me to say: It was the best night of my life. Ever. I had soooo much fun being around so many Kingdom Hearts cosplayers! It was extremely overwhelming! (I secretly cried. Shhhh) We did everything from a trivia, where we gave out prizes to our winners, a raffle for the limited edition Kingdom Hearts 1.5 poster, to a HUGE photoshoot in front of the Disney Castle! It was honestly the best thing EVER. My Roxas and I were able to get some good pictures as well! I'll be posting them~ ^^ Although PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts might be ove...
Post Disney World / PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts by 0Charcoal0, journal
Post Disney World / PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts
I don't know where to begin (≧∪≦). It's hard to just adjust back to boring normal life, because Disney is just such a upbeat and wonderful place. ( Gosh, I'd love to work there if they actually paid decently. Not to say their benefits aren't amazing though ). So, if you don't know about PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts, you can learn about it here on their webpage : or here on their facebook page : That aside, I just wanted to gush on here about :devfennecriku: and I's time there. First off, for those who hate long journals, her...
Greetings everyone! Please take a few minutes to read this important message and watch the videoVideo link here: is the first day of the New Year and the dawn of a new day. Today, I have some big news—and big changes—to announce about the project. You can read this post, or you can watch the video and get essentially the same information. But I suggest you do both. I’m much better at saying things through writing than I am on video.I spent a considerable amount of time thinking about my life these last few days, and I have decided that I need to step down from the leadership position of Magic Kingdom Hearts...
It's almost 2014, and as our early Christmas present to you all, we've opened registration for PROJECT: Magic Kingdom Hearts 2014 early! Be sure to register on our Join the Project page so that we can count you in.We have more exciting announcements to make before the end of the year, so stay tuned! Be sure to head over to our Facebook page , where we're giving away Kingdom Hearts goodies as our thanks to you for your dedication to the cause.
Greetings Magic Kingdom Hearts attendees,As you know, the big day is almost here, so make sure you're prepared! We will be meeting at the Ticket and Transportation Center at 3:00. From 3-4, we will be distributing lanyards, conducting interviews, meeting everyone, taking some photos, and giving away 9 Seasalt Icecream Lollipops. Yum!Here are some things you should definitely take note of for the event day:1. There will be a lot of amazing photoshooting spots and a lot of Kingdom Hearts cosplay to be seen. Make sure you bring a camera to capture some truly memorable moments. We will be having our Kingdom Hearts photoshoot by the Disney Cast...
Thank you so much for the favorite dear! I'm so happy you put this project together. I hope to see you sooner than the project. Will you and sonja be going to Megacon next year? I hope to run into you both there if you guys are attending.
Yes, we are indeed planning to attend Megacon all three days We'll be giving our Kingdom Hearts cosplay a rest for awhile, so we'll be wearing some other cosplays at Megacon (hopefully a brand new one or two). I will definitely keep an eye out for you! ^^