:damphyr: Hiya all!! ^o^ Well!!! I'm Ludra-Jenova and I bring to you all this cute heart-shape avatars XDDDYou can use them freely :3The complete set are these::iconhihilove: :iconyaylove: :iconrelaxlove: :iconhehelove: :iconcutieelove: :iconnailove: :iconbabalove: :iconmecutelove:Hope that you like and you'll use them XDD, if you want to use them outside you can download them here :thumb96267063: (for Messenger use only thanks ;3) HOW TO USE THEM IN DEVIANART: 1- If you want to use this icon you must write this-->> {:}iconcutieelove: just remove the brackets and must looks like this :iconcutieelove:2- Another way is selecting the icon (li...