Slayers Doll Collectioncutepiku on DeviantArt

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Slayers Doll Collection



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All the Slayers pixels I've done, collected together nicely!

So basically what I did here was look at a screencap and then mostly base the pose off of them (although a lot of times it was cutting and pasting an arm from one to the torso of the other to get the pose I had in my head.. fun stuff). But yeah, all free hand with no base. Don't do that very often, do I?

For those who don't know, left to right, top to bottom: Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, Amelia Wil Tesla Seiyruun, Zelgadis Greywords, Sylphiel Nels Lahda, Xellos Metallium, Filia Ul Copt, Naga the White Serpant and Sherra.

These characters are (c)opyright of Hajime Kanzaka.
This image is (c)opyright of Kayci Rockbrune (ie cutepiku).
Image size
461x584px 198.12 KB
© 2015 - 2025 cutepiku
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Lik-chan's avatar
OMG So Cuteeee !!!!