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Those and non-racist people do this. BD
Yeah. They throw bombs. I saw this quote on a friend's page, and ever since I've wanted to make a stamp. I'm not too good at making them. And I suck at making bombs.
And I haven't seen a stamp like this, so I made it. I want to make more stamps in the future. xD
And yeah I'm still a little pissed off from earlier, but whatever. I'll deal.
And no I'm not calling out racist people.. They want to be that way, then so be it. They'll probably learn sooner or later.
Art: [c] ME
Yeah. They throw bombs. I saw this quote on a friend's page, and ever since I've wanted to make a stamp. I'm not too good at making them. And I suck at making bombs.
And I haven't seen a stamp like this, so I made it. I want to make more stamps in the future. xD
And yeah I'm still a little pissed off from earlier, but whatever. I'll deal.
And no I'm not calling out racist people.. They want to be that way, then so be it. They'll probably learn sooner or later.
Art: [c] ME
Image size
99x55px 6.55 KB
© 2009 - 2025 CurseoftheZodiac
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epic user name and i agree with this stamp so much <3