adjective cu·ri·ous \ˈkyu̇r-ē-əs\
1 : marked by desire to investigate and learn :
2 : exciting attention as strange, novel, or unexpected :
noun spec·ter \ˈspek-tər\
1 : a visible disembodied spirit : ghost
2 : something that haunts or perturbs the mind :
WOA! Thank you darling!!!! I've really been trying!
Welcome back! <3 So glad to see you around, how have you been? Are you and all of your's safe with everything that's been going on? And speaking of improvement, I see you've posted some stuff today! (I love the new sona, what a cutie floof!) But seriously, how have you been? :D
Awe, so sorry to hear that, but good that no one has gotten sick there! Still super nice to see you online
I've been sick For a month now, but on the upside, I am MUCH better than I was, am back to being able to do things ish, and mostly just waiting for the lingering fever to go away. But apart from that, all good here, been stuck at home, but it's a good thing
Awe, can't fool ya twice? XD Happy April Fools anyway <3