CurioCity-Cats's avatar


Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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Lampyjay's avatar
I'm from the DAC btw.  Good to see how great you guys are doing! :D
vbcnxm's avatar
Would you mind me making a fan character with these ideas in mind? I've already got quite a few ideas.
HolographicZach's avatar
Go for it! Just make sure you send us a link when you are done, cause we want to see it. And please credit us in the comments as well.
vbcnxm's avatar
Just checking, but the cats have 3 forms right? cat, dragon, human, in that order in terms of power?
HolographicZach's avatar
Only the Guardian cats have the three forms. Most cats are just cats. But of course, you can draw all three forms. And yes. That is the power levels.
Bellumetpax's avatar
I am so excited for this to get off the ground I can't even say!!!
(SWCharacterCreator's friend, by the way)