
2 min read

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CureforCapezio's avatar
Oh hey, 
    I haven't updated a journal since October of last year. That's somewhat expected due to dA being my most inactive site, which as of late hasn't been, so that's a good thing. One of the things I hope to do is actually keep up with most of the sites I'm on, not sure where else I can be found? Check the list below 

    As most of you have known I've finished one of my dream costumes which is Casca's ball gown from an episode of Berserk. Actually, all the versions of Casca is a dream and something I will continue growing within the years to come. I've also finished another dream cosplay, Aisha Clanclan from Outlaw Star. WAHH okay, so yeah, I've been feeling pretty accomplish recently which is actually kind of hard feeling for me to reach. 
    My next costumes and projects may not be as intense but we'll see. A few I have on my list for (hopefully) Fanime are, Kat from Gravity Rush, Shantae from.. Shantae, and Furisode Girl Linnea from Pokemon X & Y as Meyli cosplay is gym leader Valerie.

        Once again well see. Oh I may also be at Megacon. Anyways I hope to see you all around in my other sites and on here as well. 

- Capezio

© 2014 - 2025 CureforCapezio
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Zedoniverse's avatar
I'm looking forward to more of your talented cosplays ^-^