CupheadMugmanComics's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Shadowpeachscanon's avatar

I was wondering if you could make a folder for my Cuphead Comic 'Before The Job'?

Its ok if you dont want to!!!^^

Just wondering!
13o7BYITM's avatar
when will the toon team recap get their own folder?
ChaoticJo103's avatar
Was wondering, Can I have a folder for my Cuphead comic "Better Off"?
Two-Cups-Comics's avatar
Heya I have a quick question, I see that some people seem to have their own folder I was wondering why this would be and if there was any possible way for people to get their own folder? if not thats chill, thanks for reading my message :D
Jade-the-Drawer's avatar
Hey ! I know it's stupid but I've been searching for soooo long and I still can't find the join button... Can you invite me please ? If not can you tell me where it is (I use the mobile version) ?
Jade-the-Drawer's avatar
Thanks for inviting me !!! Cuphead wink