Deviation Actions
i got so many orders so fast- might be sold out lol
2024 is finally coming to an end, where did it go-
though out the years, I've sold so many adopts but I also have a bunch that never sold. I made this as way to give them to people at a cheaper price!
all possible results will be bellow pricing
pink roll - 100pts (SOLD OUT! for now, might add more soon)
reroll - first one free, 2nd is 30pts
auto buy for anyone in pink section is 150pts
(or cheaper depending on who, ill let u know if i can give a discount)
blue roll - 500pts or $5
reroll - first one free, 2nd is 50pts or $0.50
auto buy for anyone in pink section is 600pts or $6
(or cheaper depending on who, ill let u know if i can give a discount)
all rolls are buy 2, get one free! no reroll on the free one though
can only take paypal for rolls with a total of $5, will take it for 5 pink rolls though
here's everyone in the pink section
6 left, dont have updated img yet
here's everyone in the blue section
design tos thing
- feel free to do what ever u like with the designs!
- feel free to redesign them as long as they are recognisable
- dont claim the design as ur own (doesn't mean credit me when u draw them just dont say u made them!)
- for pokemon/fnaf/other fandom adopts, feel free to use them for dif fandoms or remove them from fandoms altogether!
also have coms open here:
Commission info (usd and points)
this gacha machine took a lot longer to draw than i would have liked-
(Since the comment below rerolled,) Could I throw two ABs on the Jolteon and Vaporeon in the blue section?