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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
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Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (63)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

Hi! I'm Princess Malyssa, but Maly is fine, most people call me that. I'm a weirdo that likes weird things. My goal here is to share some stuff that I think is cool I've done in the hopes that other people will enjoy it in some capacity. I'm a bit of a fish out of water but it is what it is. You are most likely here because of the pictures of me tied up on SL, and that's great, have fun with that. If you want to know more about me or talk to me for whatever reason, though, please feel free to read on.

If you want to get in touch with me, there are exactly two ways:

Second Life: Princess Malyssa LavendelPalmer (Malyzza Resident)

Discord: @princessmaly

There is a low likelihood I will see notes or messages or w/e here because I don't pay a lot of attention to it and also I'm terrified of lots of things. Also not that I do change my discord name from time to time, so if you for w/e reason wanted to contact me there and couldn't, it's cuz I haven't updated my name here. If that doesn't work and you really need to get at me, try SL first cuz I rarely ever change my name there. And if that doesn't work... email? Leave a comment on one of my youtube videos? Idunno.

I like Godzilla and bondage in that order. I like weird, cool, creepy, interesting, and medium-breaking things as far as arts are concerned. To this end I'm mostly a writer and I guess people post writing on da but like that's... clearly not what it's for? As far as visual art is, there's some like decade old wacky MS paint stuff I did cuz I thought it would be funny, but I'm wanting to upload some of my glitch arts, and also, because there are now already pictures of it on here, some SL stuff I've been doing.

The glitch art is me trying to take something - just whatever, it can be any image - and trying to turn it into something that it wasn't before, and make entirely new, emergent forms kinda just sorta appear out of what was already there, which is largely reliant on pareiadolia, but once I see it I can usually pull it out with enough sliders and filters and shit. This is something I've done just kinda for fun because it's one of the things I like to do, it is what it is. I have one series in particular I'm pretty proud of and have been meaning to upload for a while but like I keep getting distracted by other things. If you care at all, please, kick my ass and tell me to upload more cuz I'm... good at taking orders xD

For the SL stuff, I'm a switch, and I'm a princess, of which sim is an interesting question that I will answer later when we're ready to make that public. I take pictures there every so often, usually to catch some sort of fun scene that's going on, sometimes just cuz there's something I feel like is worth getting a picture of. I'm not a, uh, like a great photographer or anything, so the appeal of the pictures is pretty transparently the, uh... y'know, bondage stuff? I'm doing my best though. Anything I've BEEN in, like pics of me or fan arts will be in my favorites in their own section. The rest of my favorites are uncategorized so it's just a big stream of consciousness blend of monsters, horror, bondage, landscapes, dinosaurs, and abstract digital art.

In conclusion, these are the things that I have and will post, mostly. It takes far less effort for me to just take a picture than it does to make something, so the majority of my gallery is SL pics. This is good news if all you care about is perving on me. But there is other stuff unrelated to that that I have posted and plan to post later, so please don't freak out if my weird abstract expressions and experiments pop up in the middle of your perving is all.


Princess Malyssa :rose:

P.S. No by "Godzilla" I do not mean any of that dumb obnoxious Hollywood crap. Rodan isn't made out of lava for fuck's sake.

Favourite Visual Artist
Noriyoshi Ohrai
Favourite Movies
Godzilla vs. Biollante, all other Godzilla movies, Ginger Snaps, etc.
Favourite TV Shows
Addams Family, Monster Factory if that counts, MST3k, Godzilla SP, etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
They Might Be Giants, Boyd Rice, Of the Wand and the Moon, Pastel Ghost, Bauhaus, etc.
Favourite Books
Godzilla in Hell, all of those John LeMay books about lost monster movies, Dante's Purgatory, etc.
Favourite Writers
Kazuki Omori, John LeMay, James Stokoe, etc.
Favourite Games
Ultrakill, Gigabash, Primal Rage, Silent Hill 2, DOOM, Quake, Tetris, Mortal Kombat, Cubivore, Smash bros., etc.
Favourite Gaming Platform
whatever's convenient and works
Tools of the Trade
Tools are for Fools
Other Interests
Tying up pretty girls, being tied up, anything with Godzilla in it, learning more things...
Social media is weird and a misnomer. For one, it's not actually social. In order to BE social you need to either: 1. Already know a bunch of people on the platform, which, if you're out of school is pretty near impossible 2. Grab people's attention through some unknown means of gaming the system's algorithms which is something no one really actually seems to understand how to do, and even if they do the rules keep changing, so that you basically have to get lucky. 3. Already have some sort of fame or following that causes people to pay attention to you. This can either be from getting attention via method #2 or from something outside of the internet, which is becoming increasingly rare as time moves on. And if you can't fulfill any of those criteria, "social" media becomes extraordinarily isolating. You just end up shouting into the void and all it does is remind you of how little you mean to everyone else. You could literally drop dead timoarow and no one would even notice. It's
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Which is more fun?

8 votes

Tying someone up.

Being tied up.

Having your owner order you to tie yourself up or you'll be punished.

Ordering your pet to tie you up exactly how you say and for how long.

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Managing to survive despite everything.
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Profile Comments 88

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b-yagi's avatar

thank you for the favorites

jhantares's avatar

Thanks for faving!

lockphase's avatar

Thanks for the fav, cheers ! :)

lockphase's avatar

Thanks for the fav, cheers ! :)

cultistofvertigo's avatar

Are you gonna leave a new comment every time I heart something? x3

lockphase's avatar

That's the idea! :)

cultistofvertigo's avatar

But that's silly! So if I go right now and heart more things, you'll say thanks again?

EDIT: Bwahaha! Take that! And I can keep this up forever cuz your whole gallery is homogenously gorgeous!