Manga: ArrivalCTD-fa on DeviantArt

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Manga: Arrival



Page one: Arrival
To be read from right to left, like all good Manga.

Now this didnt take to long to was the fixing of lines, and the coloring that caused it to take ages. Hopefully i can upgrade my computer to have more RAM so it can run faster and I can actually use my coloring softwear without it crashing or lagging...

Anyway, I decided to start this off with myself, being the artist I guess I am the main character, though once we get to the part with everyone else my appearence will be less and less XD

Anyway I have arrived at Collage, however this is no ordinary collage, after all, Empi is there wearing glasses for some reason...why could that be?
And why did i chose to leave the building uncolored?

Well the reason for the color at least was i wanted to update it today and not in another weeks time XD

So anyway, this collage for all manner of crazy crap is the setting of the manga...
As this is my first Manga i am experimenting with frames and techniques and whatever... so dont expect frequent updates.
But now this is up you know the project has started ;)

So stay tuned and remember, read it right to left =D
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2320x3328px 1.2 MB
© 2008 - 2025 CTD-fa
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