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The Stories of the Gods - C.S.
Part I
Two BrothersThere was a horse called Cavalo Alato (Cav-a-low Al-a-toe). He was a magnificent stallion of a pure white coat, whiter than the snow. He had a long flowing mane and tail to match it. He also had a huge pair of glorious feathery wings that seemed to touch the sky when they were spread. Cavalo Alato was the first horse or equine-like creature to set foot on earth. Because he was the first of his kind, he became a god and he had many powers.Not long after Cavalo Alato was there, he discovered another horse. This horse was very different from him though. This horse's name is Cavalo Del Demone (Cav-a-low D-ell De-mon-ie). Del...
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Art by Creator
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