RenaCrystalRobot on DeviantArt

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CrystalRobot's avatar




Ya know, I've never actually watched Higurashi but... I have the first and so far only volume of the manga.. <<; and I have watched a couple "Higurashi Hell"s, >>; so... yeah.

I decided to draw Rena, using the cover of the manga for some slight reference. Yes I know the cleaver is crooked! I messed up and I couldn't fix it ;~;

Anyway, I tried using a slightly different way of coloring, and I learned a new eye technique so I tried that << >> and I think it turned out okay. I should, dammit! I spent like an hour and a half on this sucker! That's like, way longer than I usually would... It's all those damn ruffles in her outfit XD;

yeah.. enjoy my first fan art from something different in a long time =3

Blood splatter brushes from: [link]
Rena (c) Whoever made "Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni"

PS: I can't believe I left some of the background color white DX nooo! well I'm not changing it now!!
Image size
709x1009px 185.53 KB
© 2008 - 2025 CrystalRobot
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KonUrajama21's avatar
yeah this is all

you rule

good toon of ryugu rena

you trying of draw a furude rika

this is all

see you next time