
IDW Classic Sonic Everything Good

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Literature Text

1: IDW 30th Anniversary Special Seasons of Chaos by Ian Flynn: There’s a brand new place. Sonic goes past a pink tree that’s got flowers for leaves,

2: that has pink mountains.

3: The heroes find an Emerald lying out in the open for a change and that’ll happen a lot. That’s not really new, but it’s relatively rare for Classic Sonic.

4: Sonic’s a daredevil, being excited for a high speed battle or race both times when he sees Metal Sonic and being disappointed when he just flies away with the Emerald.

5: When Sonic says to Amy that he needs a boost, she says,

6: “ You’re a wonderful person, and people say nice things about you! “ Aw, that’s sweet! I miss Classic Amy.

7: Amy uses her hammer to send Sonic upwards to Tails,

8: who throws him at Metal.

9: Sonic says that Tails is his bestest buddy in the whole world.

10: Knuckles saves Sonic while gliding. At least that’s a surprise.

11: Knuckles pet a rabbit for giving him an Emerald.

12: Knuckles is smart enough to know that the Emeralds always bring trouble to his island.

13: Knuckles saved some animals’ lives from a falling giant mushroom,

14: which was sent falling by Metal Knuckles in an intelligent gambit to keep him distracted while getting the Emerald.

15: Amy gets to be useful by having the Emerald radar.

16: Amy is sympathetic, as after her friends leave her behind, she asks, “ How am I supposed to prove myself if you guys never give me a chance. “

17: Mighty shows off his super strength right away in IDW, throwing boulders.

18: In this continuity, Ray can infinitely float over one place for a change.

19: Amy says it’s a pleasure to meet Mighty.

20: Mighty calls Ray his best buddy.

21: Amy reveals that Mighty had more than just one adventure with Sonic in the past for a change.

22: Tails apologizes to his friends because he doesn’t know where the radar is.

23: Fang was at least successful at hitting Sonic in the head with a shot cork.

24: It’s new that Fang is shooting wine corks out of his gun instead of Pac Man Pellets or lasers.

25: Team Hooligan comes in too. There’s tons of characters in this issue.

26: Sonic calls Knuckles buddy.

27: Bean has his wacky personality. He’s sad that Sonic didn’t miss him at all and then gets furious.

28: and Sonic not missing him was relatable.

29: It takes advantage of Tails’ character that he thinks Fang’s spring-loaded car is cool.

30: Tails throws off the calibrations of the back panel of Fang’s vehicle even in the Classic Era.

31: It’s so sweet that Fang doesn’t shoot bullets, as if he doesn’t wanna kill.

32: Fang competently shoots the Emerald away from Sonic.

33: Fang walks away dragging Bean, punishing him.

34: Because of Tails, the heroes realize that they’re better off chasing Fang than going after the Emerald that

35: fell down the waterfall, which takes advantage of the setting.

36: There’s an autumn forest.

37: Ray finds the Emerald

38: in a tree hole, which takes advantage of the setting.

39: Mighty’s shell is making great armor. It deflects Fang’s corks and he doesn’t care.

40: It’s nice that Mighty respects that Bark is like him because he wants a fight.

41: Ray catches Amy, apologizing.

42: Amy has her hand on Ray’s shoulder.

43: It’s explained better why Eggman built Heavy King. Having a commander for his armies would free up some time for Eggman to do some napping and inventing.

44: It’s compassionate of Knuckles and Bean to feel sorry for Eggman after he says the betrayal was very rude and hurt his feelings and wipes away tears.

45: Well, it was a surprise that Eggman wasn’t the main villain this issue in a Classic Sonic story and Eggman had to team up with the heroes. It was particularly new that Metal Knuckles and Metal Sonic were under the control of someone else than him. Metal Knuckles especially.

46: Fang and Sonic shake hands and team up. That’s original.

47: It’s also intriguing that Fang is the first to say that it looks like they’re teaming up again.

48: The ice level has purple clouds, and the ice mountain is shaped like Eggman’s face, which tries to be original.

49: Eggman uses a jamming signal boosted with Tails Doll’s antenna to take control over Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles.

50: Sonic puts his hand on Metal Sonic’s shoulder, saying, “ We’re all on the same team! Don’tcha just love that? “ Aw!

51: Fang’s smart enough to tell Bean not to throw a bomb at the door because he can’t risk him caving in the whole place.

52: Eggman tells Mighty not to punch down the door because, he just had that painted, which is amusing. So he opens it himself.

53: Tails asks Eggman why he gets Tails Doll and not a Metal Tails.

54: Sonic Heroes is referenced even in this issue, as after the bad guy says he’ll be a robot emperor or something, Metal Sonic is quiet and Eggman tells him to not get any ideas.

55: Heavy King gets taunted like he deserves by Sonic after firing all sorts of lasers and scaring the heroes.

56: It’s competent of Heavy King to have a golden force field attack from all the Emeralds.

57: It’s interesting that after Sonic spindashes at Heavy King to knock him on the floor, not only does he give up in one hit after Sonic’s friends steal his Emeralds,

58: but he immediately begs Eggman for forgiveness.

59: It’s sweet of Eggman to immediately forgive Heavy King and say he was competent.

60: It’s smart of Eggman to say that he’s giving him a software patch so that he won’t betray him again.

61: It’s surprisingly realistic that all the heroes left with the Emeralds while Eggman was talking with Heavy King because they knew he’d go back to being their enemy. They were smart for once.

62: It was surprisingly competent of Sonic to be able to spindash all the way up the wall to hit Heavy King.

63: I like that Eggman tells Heavy King to make him a grilled cheese sandwich, that’s new too. So we know what food he likes.

64: Fang is smart enough to admit that Eggman wouldn’t have honored his deal anyways.

65: Bark had given Amy his scarf to wear in the cold weather earlier. She looked great in that green scarf.

66: Amy calls Bark a big sweetie deep down for helping her,

67: and he blushes and leaves.

68: Sonic chooses not to tell Knuckles why Fang’s potential nickname for him would be knucklehead, which is sweet.

69: “ Cool! And the Master Emerald will have a little sibling! “ Sonic says.

70: Mighty calls Ray little buddy.

71: It’s smart of Mighty and Knuckles to decide to split the Emeralds up among them.

72: Mighty calls Ray little buddy.

73: Tails tells Mighty “ safe travels! “

74: Sonic thanks Amy, saying he wouldn’t have gotten to this point without her.

75: Amy admits that it’s all because she used Tails’ emerald radar.

76: Tails apologizes for leaving her behind,

77: and he and Sonic apologize for that and say they won’t do it anymore.

78: Tails thanks Amy for looking after the emerald radar.

79: IDW 30th Anniversary Special Sonic Learns to Drive by Clint, Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy: We see Sonic try to learn how to drive. That’s new.

80: Sonic nicely calls the driving instructor old buddy.

81: Sonic likes to listen to the radio, which humanizes him.

82: Sonic gets called out for doing stuff wrong, like driving too fast, and fails the test. That’s satisfying.

83: Another thing that spices the test up is that Sonic runs out of the car and stands in front of the cars at an intersection to make them stop.

84: There’s a reason Sonic wants a car. He needs it for a chili dog reward race.

85: It’s really sweet that the driving teacher lets Sonic keep driving after showing him his failing grade.

86: There’s basically the same, owl character who’s a radio DJ, even in a story with Classic Sonic in it, implying that this IS a younger version of IDW Modern Sonic. 8.

87: IDW 30th Anniversary Special Dr. Eggman's Birthday by Gale Galligan: At least it’s NEW that Eggman is depressed his whole birthday because it’s just another year where he hasn’t taken over the world, even in spite of the fact that his robots are celebrating his birthday.

88: It’s nice of all of Eggman’s robots to independently decide to celebrate his birthday. There’s a lot of interesting things to look at in this story. There’s a picture of Sonic on one of the walls of his base, he has a table hockey table, and one of his robots wants him to hit a Sonic pinanta with a hammer. He also gets given what looks like a children’s drawing that a robot made for him.

89: It’s also very new of Eggman to demand his robot army to not fight Sonic, saying that they’re not gonna win. 3.

90: IDW Sonic Free Comic Book Day 2021 Amy's New Hobby by Gale Galligan: We see some of the things Amy likes to eat and drink, which makes her more relatable. She likes red Kool-Aid,

91: and cookies. By proxy, we also see that Tails likes those two things.

92: And no wonder she ended up being friends with Cream later, she has a tea party with Tails!

93: Tails thanks Amy for having him at her tea party

94: and eats a sandwich. He says, “ Wow, Amy, you didn’t have to do all this. “

95: Amy says, “ It was my pleasure! “ We see Amy and Tails alone together as friends doing something just for fun.

96: Tails is able to think outside the box right away; it’s kinda smart that he wonders if Amy’s secretly working for Eggman because she’s taking notes on what Sonic did.

97: It makes perfect sense that a fangirl of Sonic’s like Amy would make comics about him and her friends.

98: There’s variety in her comics instead of it just being about Amy being badass and saving Sonic.

99: She’s good at drawing, so it looks presentable to us. It’s interesting to see Amy with a new talent.

100: It’s very relatable that Amy was sad before showing him her work and had the self-awareness to even consider that her comics might not be very good. She’s sympathetic because she’s really shy about her hobby.

101: It’s sweet that Mighty is able to laugh at himself. He sees a comic based on when he crushed a burger and sprayed himself with ketchup, and he actually laughs even though he remembers that.

102: A bunch of villagers are enjoying Amy’s comics.

103: Sonic puts his hand on Amy’s shoulder,

104: and says her comics are cool, thank goodness because he was acting skeptical before.

105: Amy says humbly that she was just having a little fun by making those Off Panel comics. 16.

106: Tails’ 30th Anniversary Special Flying Off the Rails by Ian Flynn: Tails is wearing goggles like in the OVA.

107: Tails says about the Flickies, “ I hope they like mint candy, ‘cause I brought a bunch! “ I like that because the series barely references that mint candy is his favorite food.

108: It’s smart of Tails and Sonic to get suspicious the second they notice the absence of Flickies on Flickies’ Island as soon as they go there.

109: It’s relatively unique that the story’s antagonist isn’t Eggman, even if Wendy Witchcart is still an unoriginal villain.

110: The evil bunnie working for Witchcart is lazy, which is better than her being too energetic in the reboot where she rocked back and forth talking like a little girl.

111: It’s good that the three minions each have at least one strong personality trait rather than nothing.

112: It’s competent of Witchcart to instantly trap Sonic in a crystal.

113: The wolf says, “ Thanks for the help. “

114: It establishes that Knuckles and Tails helped find the Chaos Emeralds in IDW’s version of 3D Blast, which is creative and cool for them because it’s not how the game actually went.

115: Tails was useful by pulling off something from a crystal to free a Flicky.

116: It’s competent of the whistling of the Flickies to cause the wolf’s vehicle to move around somehow and crash sending him to the floor.

117: Tails compliments the Flickies.

118: The wolf guy gets bounced around by springs.

119: Tails smartly tells the Flickies to hold onto his vehicle for later, recognizing its usefulness to him for later.

120: Tails wisely distracts the bear tricking him into driving his vehicle into a tube and getting himself trapped.

121: He thanks him for being predictable.

122: The evil bunnie’s vehicle runs out of missiles.

123: She suffers because there’s fog in the area she’s in, which shows that off in a comic for the first time.

124: Tails messes with the wiring in her vehicle.

125: Tails saves Sonic for once, using the carrot missiles from earlier. He’s responsible for the ice crystal trapping Sonic disappearing.

126: Tails asks Sonic if he’s alright.

127: Sonic is close enough with him to admit his ears are ringing,

128: and he respectfully admits the hero’s already here and leaves this up to Tails.

129: Witchcart gets trapped in a crystal.

130: Sonic freed all the Flickies.

131: Tails thanks him. 26.

132: Amy’s 30th Anniversary by Ian Flynn: I’ve never seen a Sonic character sitting on a big flower in front of a giant flower

133: and using it as a table for cake, while she’s surrounded by little animals.

134: Amy’s tarot card comes in handy because it causes her to hide from Metal Sonic without knowing he’d show up,

135: with the animals humoring her because they’re so polite. So Amy somehow doesn’t get kidnapped again.

136: She pets one of the animals to reassure him.

137: She thanks the bird for the company

138: for wanting to accompany her on the adventure for a change.

139: Eggman put Fang in an animal capsule as a punishment for botching a job for him. This feels like the first time he punished him for failure and it makes him more threatening than the alternative.

140: Amy frees Ray

141: and helps him stand up.

142: Amy starts complimenting Ray a lot.

143: Ray thanks her while blushing,

144: and says that was very nice of her.

145: We see a new location, a town with docks that robots are stealing from.

146: It’s interesting to see Eggman’s robots stealing crates of fruit from a town.

147: A bird drops Amy’s hammer on the animal capsule.

148: Bark gets freed from an animal capsule.

149: So he creatively throws a ray gun at a robot.

150: Amy and Ray help Bark defeat the other robots of course.

151: Amy looks competent by immediately knowing how to convince Bark to go with her. She says he’ll be getting back at Eggman and reuniting with his friends faster. Of course there was no chance that he wouldn’t go with her anyways.

152: She says they’ll use the boat logs to figure out where to go next.

153: Eggman Island Zone is another sorta new idea. There’s an island with a giant image of Eggman’s head on it and a volcano.

154: Amy touching a plant hurts her because Eggman built all of the plants on the island.

155: Ray asks her if she’s okay.

156: Bark holds her hands in concern.

157: Bark grabs Metal Sonic’s hands to let Amy go ahead.

158: Amy frees someone from an animal capsule,

159: So does Ray and

160: even the bird.

161: I feel like this is the first time Sonic’s ever been freed from an animal capsule.

162: He thanks her.

163: Sonic gives Amy a thumbs-up.

164: Amy goads Metal Sonic into following her and ducks to get him trapped in an animal capsule

165: by Fang slamming the door shut on him.

166: The door gets closed by being lifted up. We finally see HOW someone gets trapped in one of those things.

167: Sonic helps Amy up

168: and says, “ Nice plan! “

169: Mighty apologizes for being late to the party.

170: Sonic makes a toast calling Amy the real hero of the day.

171: Ray’s also nice to Amy.

172: It’s satisfying to see Eggman angrily discover that there’s nobody in the animal capsules but Metal Sonic. He shouts because of this. 42.

173: Fang the Hunter Issue 1 by Ian Flynn: It’s smart of Fang to be able to make it so whistling can fling a boulder and two palm trees are held down by stuff. I never saw him use a booby-trap before.

174: Bean tells Sonic “ Bravo! “ which might make him feel good.

175: It’s new that Fang’s so worried about his vehicle being destroyed that he pushes Bean.

176: Sonic’s recklessness backfires because when he was talking to insult his enemies Bark grabs him from behind

177: and I get to see Sonic smack into the ground.

178: It looked kind of cool that he swung Bark. It realizes Sonic's the main character and is supposed to be really cool.

179: Sonic lampshades that it’d be lazy of Eggman to send other people to try to fight him.

180: Bean says what he’d do with money. He’d buy a soccer ball. This gives him more depth.

181: And it’s revealed that Bark wants to buy a portable freezer. It’s proven that not just the Chaotix are allowed to be motivated by money.

182: It’s intriguing that Fang says he’s looking for an 8th Emerald.

183: Fang says he wants the money to upgrade his vehicle.

184: It’s interesting that there’s a sub-plot with Sonic, because I'd never expect there to be a sub-plot at all, and it makes the pacing of both stories quicker.

185: At least it’s interesting that Sonic says apathetically that a fiery ruins was put on fire and ruined.

186: Sonic’s excited at the idea of a ghost battleship and runs off after being told the battleship vanished.

187: Bean calls his past experience fun.

188: It’s inspiring that Fang refuses to give up when things get tough and uncertain, as it eventually pays off despite him looking delusional at first.

189: It’s smart of Fang to wonder if questioning Knuckles about an 8th Emerald would be fruitful for him.

190: Bark smartly suggests stealing the Master Emerald since it looks unguarded. At least it would’ve been,

191: but Knuckles was apparently spying on them from the bushes this time.

192: Bean calls Bark his buddy.

193: Bean doesn’t like that Fang “ keep talkin’ us into working with Eggman! “

194: Fang looks smart by saying he got Eggman to reward him with a bag of gems in advance.

195: In the flashback I get to see Fang look shocked by the weight of the bag.

196: It’s revealed Amy can make pies. More importantly it's revealed that she likes pies since she makes them

197: and that Fang likes pies.

198: I like seeing the big mushrooms from Mushroom Hill

199: and better yet seeing Bean bounce off them.

200: It makes Knuckles look competent that apparently Bean got trapped in vines because of him.

201: It makes Knuckles look cool that Bark ended up trapped after being sent away by wind from a vent because of him. I’m glad to see Knuckles use a trap again.

202: Fang notices from the intersecting footprint trails that Knuckles is looking for him and plotting against his friends. 30.

203: Fang the Hunter Issue 2 by Ian Flynn: It’s smart of Fang to look at Sandopolis wondering how many priceless relics he could find there.

204: Fang’s smart enough to figure out that Knuckles is on the high ground because that’s where he’d go if he were him, so he tracks him down

205: and even ambushes him. He thinks to whistle behind Knuckles to send his vehicle to automatically drive into a pillar towards Knuckles, making him have to jump over it too startled to deal with it.

206: Then Fang’s competent enough to kick Knuckles into a pit from behind. So he was clever enough to use his vehicle as a distraction.

207: Tails is wearing his hat with goggles from the OVA.

208: Sonic calls Tails little buddy

209: and refers to their potential adventure as daring.

210: The people in the battleship are competent because the battleship warps away.

211: Knuckles glides into Fang

212: and they end up falling down to the bottom of the sand slide. So for once I get to see what the bottom of the infinite sand slide looks like.

213: Bean was tied up.

214: It looks competent of Fang that he whistles to make the vehicle buzzsaw to free Bean from the ropes.

215: Knuckles hits Fang.

216: Bean didn’t like being tied up for a long time. For once he’s making sense. This is the one time it’s believable that he gets annoyed with Fang since this long period of boredom was Fang’s fault.

217: Fang has a competent badass moment, by stopping his vehicle over the ocean and telling his grunts that if they want to leave him, here’s their stop, which gets Bean to look scared and change his mind.

218: His vehicle can project a green 3D hologram of an island.

219: It makes him astoundingly competent that he apparently did research on Carnival Island and knows a legend about it. He cares about more than just treasure hunting, he also cares enough to research geography for no reason because people can have multiple interests.

220: It’s really nice to see Carnival Island, speaking as someone who played Knuckles Chaotix.

221: Eggman looks competent by grabbing Fang’s team with his Eggmobile claw.

222: He might also be competent if the room flooding is a trap of Eggman’s.

223: Fang was trying to use the monitors showing every level in Knuckles Chaotix,

224: but they’re all static since the game was beaten. 22.

225: Fang the Hunter Issue 3 by Ian Flynn: Eggman says this territory was his and that’s all that matters. It gives him a great villain and character moment.

226: It makes sense that Eggman saved them because he wanted to learn why they came here.

227: Fang asks Bean “ Since when were you the voice of reason? “

228: and Bean at least acknowledges that it’s weird.

229: It’s smart of Eggman to tell Fang to get the 8th Emerald for him just in case it exists despite doubting that it does.

230: Eggman has a cool moment from pushing a button to show that below them is a pool of piranha robots, which scares them into agreeing to work for him when Fang refused before.

231: Tails think to tell Sonic that since he WAS napping, he could just go back to that while waiting for him to invent something.

232: Tails makes a ship seeker.

233: Fang figures out when and where the battleship’s gonna be based on its past locations and the times between.

234: Fang’s smart enough to realize that maybe it would be good for him to have time apart from the team because Bean’s mean to him.

235: Fang knows the Heavies went rogue and would shoot them on sight, so he keeps Bean from talking to one.

236: I like that there’s a page of no dialogue because it makes the comic faster to read.

237: Bean was riding a robot.

238: Bark was holding on the bottom of a crate being moved along above the floor.

239: I get to see Fang startled for a realistic reason.

240: Fang’s cooler than I thought because it turns out he has a Magic Sense, as he can feel the power coming from something.

241: It’s good any time Bean throws bombs at the robots.

242: Fang rides a Motobug. I never saw Fang do that before.

243: He smartly threatens to destroy it to get the robot to humor him and it works.

244: Bark flips a switch giving Fang access to the Warp Topaz.

245: It’s intriguing and shocking that the battleship has the Warp Topaz despite the fact that everybody expected them to keep the Classic Sonic comics separate from the Modern comics because “ it’s that Sonic from another dimension! “ This is the most interesting thing about the miniseries.

246: Eggman tasked robots with mining to find potential other magical gems.

247: Fang likes the style of these robots because they didn’t tell Eggman that they found the Warp Topaz, taking advantage of Exact Words. 23.

248: Fang the Hunter Issue 4 by Ian Flynn: Bark grabs the ball and chain to slam a robot to the floor.

249: Sonic congratulates Tails

250: and gets thanked.

251: Fang’s sent into the wall and the impact is shown to make it satisfying.

252: It looks cool that Fang uses the ice sword against a robot to freeze him.

253: Fang makes his vehicle able to teleport.

254: Bark gets slammed into the floor.

255: EARLIER Fang got motion sick.

256: Bean’s concerned about Bark when he’s lying on the floor,

257: and he also shows it when he smiles while helping him walk.

258: Fang escapes the battleship. He doesn’t need saving.

259: Sonic says he’s the best friend he could ask for.

260: Tails makes the battleship explode.

261: Eggman wisens up and refuses to recover the robots that betrayed him.

262: Bean gets motion sick.

263: So does Bark.

263: Bean ditches Fang.

264: So does Bark.

265: It’s smart of Fang to lie that he didn’t get the 8th Emerald to keep the gem, using Exact Words.

266: It’s smart of Eggman to hire Fang again, since he explained earlier that he hires Fang because he has experience looking for treasure, and we can assume you can’t program or download that into robots. 20.

267: Knuckles 30th Anniversary Comic: Knuckles puts his arm around Trip with his hand on her shoulder while trying to relate to her that he knows what it’s like to be alone.


268: The random civilians are nice to Trip. One waves while saying hi.


269: One in the distance waves at her.


270: Another one welcomes her back.


271: Another cares enough to ask who Knuckles is.


272: Trip lampshades that it’s pretty pathetic that she somehow got bullied into working for Eggman and Fang.


273: It’s sweet that she says Knuckles said he’s tough and experienced and is gonna improve her.


274: She stands there with her hands on her hips with a smile imitating Knuckles.


275: Trip thanks her grandpa for allowing her to hang out with Knuckles.


276: Of course Knuckles and Trip both have no issue progressing through a place like it’s a level. Trip can spindash up a wall, which we see Knuckles be astounded by.


277: And Knuckles runs towards some rocks with his fists in front of him to smash them, which makes sense unlike him just walking towards rocks making them break.


278: Trip falls on Knuckles’ foot with her helmet on which is an interesting way of him getting hurt.


279: Knuckles turns Trip’s helmet so that it’s facing the right way again.


280: It’s at least smart of Trip to take off, why put up with this when she doesn’t need any training? She already stood up to Fang and she’s never gonna meet a thief again.


281: At least the concept of Knuckles going camping and staying with Sonic, Amy and Tails the entire time is new. It sort of happened in Boom but they were split up into separate teams.


282: Tails respects Knuckles for staying outside all night despite the storm.


283: Knuckles’ dialogue shows respect for Tails because he didn’t give up on camping.


284: “ Toldja you could handle it. “


285: Tails thanks him.


286: At least there is the concept of Knuckles wanting to teach Amy something to improve her.


287: Knuckles’ thoughts about Sonic talk about Sonic being uplifting and positive with people.


288: Knuckles says sorry to Trip and shows humility.


289: There is some subtle visual humor with the giant animals. They get rolled around.


290: There’s red lines drawn while Knuckles says in front of the big animals that he doesn’t even get giant animals. That’s trying to make this funny.


291: Trip is impressed about the fact that Knuckles guards his island alone.


292: She’s amazed at the idea of a floating island.


293: Knuckles compliments Trip


294: and has his thumb up.


295: Trip hugs Knux.


296: He appreciates it at first.


297: He pets her head.


298: Trip instantly figures out how Knuckles can get back to the island; Eggman left stuff on the island so he could fly an Eggmobile there.


299: Knuckles shows Trip more respect because of that.


300: He gives her a thumbs up.


301: Knuckles thinks, “ I set out to train the next generation of guardians. “ That’s great because it finally makes the story all worth it; he plans to have her guard the Master Emerald after he’s gone if he doesn’t end up having a kid.


302: “ Turns out I didn’t have much to teach her after all. “ He finally figures out the obvious. It lampshades the pointlessness of the story in that regard, as Trip already proved herself in her game. 36.

These stories show off how good the writers other than the main one from the beginning can be, but they barely get any work on the comic.
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