Rafaella The FairyCrystalConfection on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/crystalconfection/art/Rafaella-The-Fairy-948702345CrystalConfection

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Rafaella The Fairy



Rafaella © Andrelpg
Art© me

Sorry if I am doing these requests slower, but I feel like I am doing twelve things at once, and I might start doing commissions for the future.

Rafaella is a butterfly fairy in charge of flowers, but she yearns to have her own adventures outside the garden. She also seems to be friendly towards other fairies in general, despite being a hard worker who wonders what the outside world is like, so to pass the time, she often dances. Her hair is kept up in a topknot, has purple wings with lighter patterns on each wing, she wears a mango-colored sun dress, and two different anklets (tiger's eye anklet on her right leg and a purple silk one on her left leg).
Image size
1224x1632px 103.76 KB
© 2023 - 2025 CrystalConfection
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Andrelpg's avatar

So cool, thanks!!