. : It's Okay : .Crumelody on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/crumelody/art/It-s-Okay-644647891Crumelody

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. : It's Okay : .



Brothers fight finally ending.

And please don't twist this. They're BROTHERS. Shin is MARRIED. Lee...He's more of a loner.

Yeaaaaaaaaaah Shin never wanted Lee to be dead. He hated him and wanted to forget about him, but never have him dead.

Deep down, Shin cared for Lee since he is his brother but that hate buried it. Realizing that he's to blame for not loving Lee as a brother and almost losing him made everything come into view.


This comic takes place during the beginnings comics after Rojeul brings Pastel back inside.

Shin was coming back home from visiting Uri in the hospital. On the way home he has to cross this big bridge. Driving across it though, he notices someone standing at the edge. Looking close, he noticed it was Lee so got out and caught him before he jumped. Getting him in the car, he drove back to his house and went inside with his brother where this conversation too place.


What happened after? 

They talked. That's it. Talking late into the morning, Lee passing out on a couch while Shin stays up in thought.

Things between these two are behind them. Now he has to figure out how to make up for lost time.


What's up with their parents?

Lee is actually adopted. Him and Shin aren't blood brothers. Their mother left their dad when both of them were kids, and since Lee was the adopted one, Shin blamed it on him. Since then he hated him and put up with him until he could move out and leave Korea (Then he met Uri and yadda yadda). Years later Lee finds Shin and asked to live with them. Lee ran away from home because of their father. (Because of being left, their dad became an alcoholic and it got worse when Shin left. Lee was abused when young, and that's how he ended up hurting Pastel and Uri. He was sleep walking and acting out his dream completely unaware that he was hurting them. When he woke up, he saw what he had done but ran away. Shin however ended up reporting him and instead of jail, sent him to an institution. an 'asylum' so he could get helped and possibly forget about them.) Everything else, I believe you all know..


Lee Jeaki & HyoShin Jeaki (c) Crumelody
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KlancerTheReindeer's avatar

Me: excitedly discovers this and reads

The desc: they're just brothers