WoW Inn Wallpaper PreviewCru-the-Dwarf on DeviantArt

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Cru-the-Dwarf's avatar

WoW Inn Wallpaper Preview



Here's the second upload of the wallpaper preview. Hopefully since the World of Warcraft logo isn't on this one some smacktard won't report it so they can save all of dA from "copyright infringement". You know who you are you stupid tool.

For the full version including various resolutions such as computer desktop, iPhone and PSP go to [link]
Image size
600x375px 170.24 KB
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Cru-the-Dwarf's avatar
btw if you want the full version of this, logo and all plus a crazy assortment of resolutions including iPhone and PSP head on over to my comic and check out the wallpaper banner.