CrossedStitches's avatar


Years Ago
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Comments 26

anonymous's avatar
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ArtistGrace's avatar
I invite you to my page for a HiNaBN Sorrow Pile. Please Join us if you feel the love:heart:
thatonezombiechick's avatar
Gnneeee!!! :iconicameplz:

I love, LOVE this pairing! they make the whole Hinabn comic, just sayng. They're so cute together, its such a simple pairing, yet its not something you see everyday. You would think a boy and a corpse would be weird as hell, but if you know the fandom then you sure as hell know the pairing... I find it sorta like Wall-e and Eve, a cute little couple who could be seen holding hands and playing card games, or just talking, not to mention Zombie's protectiveness over his Hanna, it just adds to the bromance of the couple :love: nothing sexual or out of hand, just a soft loving, almost married couple like relationship.

You get where I'm going right? ignore the fangirling :XD:

the-dancing-onigiri's avatar
You guys see the latest strip? [link]
Pure robromance. :heart:
blackhatpirate's avatar
yes vivre le revoultion mes amis! also yes :iconhanna-anything-goes: would like to affiliate with it's fellow non assy admins and underground rule rebels? if that would be okay with you?
Eloarei's avatar
4 of my favorite people founding an awesome group? Why did I not know of this before?
...In celebration, I am spamming the group with old .../Hanna works. ^^; I hope you don't mind.
Hollowsama's avatar
Hiya, would you like to affiliate with our group? :iconjustbetweenus:
We're brand new. ^^; And it's our first group.
Emog0tch1's avatar
I finally made it home!! Potato time!!