coral mompass (what,)crispyleaves123 on DeviantArt

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crispyleaves123's avatar

coral mompass (what,)




"400th" project on ibis🎉 (but there's 387 there)

it might be in the 1000's had I not had some weird device reset back in 2022 that made me lose a bunch of stuff and I'm still not over it :[

anyway it's already been a year since i created moral, yikes

she is "perfect" and someone you should look up to! well, if you can look past that slip-up once... if you were to even know about it!

i project onto her lol. whenever there's a problem i go "that's your problem now! you're a compass, find de way!" and then we both proceed to avoid it because that'll definitely solve it! (tried and true! no bull!)

ok it's 1am i should never trust what i write (and for some reason i tend to write a lot at these times. 4 paragraphs?? holy s[an francisco])

not going to bed yet because it'll take me what 3-4 hours anyway

like last night i drew in the dark using my phones light lol

can't have my lights on because there's this stupid window in my room that looks out to the living rSHUT UP SHUT UP STOP TALKING OKAY BYE!!!!!!

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1071x808px 537.3 KB
© 2024 - 2025 crispyleaves123
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kyia7330's avatar

Holy crap bro I remeber this guy!! I think I saw you drawing them in Saturns whiteboard!!! Bro I remember seeing it and saying to myself “if I ever find the person drawing that, I’m gonna give them the worlds biggest thank you for making something so beautiful in a whiteboard” 😭😭😭😭😭😭