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Hice este dibujo cuando salió el libro Laura Gallego "Donde los árboles cantan" este otoño.
La ilustración original de Cris Ortega y la mía está hecha a pastel.
¿Qué os parece?
I drew this picture when Laura Gallego's book "Where the trees sing" was published last autumn.
The original illustration was done by Cris Ortega and mine is made with pastel paintings.
What do you think?
La ilustración original de Cris Ortega y la mía está hecha a pastel.
¿Qué os parece?
I drew this picture when Laura Gallego's book "Where the trees sing" was published last autumn.
The original illustration was done by Cris Ortega and mine is made with pastel paintings.
What do you think?
Image size
1700x2338px 804.47 KB
© 2012 - 2025 CrisHaru94
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