Burmese pythons
Pics of me
Reptile exspos
Ball pythons
Baby snakes
Carpet pythons
Reptile feeding pics
Blood pythons
Holiday pics
Rescued reptiles
Anime north
For sale
Furry stuff
These are pics of some of the reptiles I rescue and help people with all the time.
I get bite and clawed all the time when doing this but that dosent bother me just as long as I can make sure the reptile is safe I do not care they can bite and claw me all they want.
Please if you are looking to get a snake, a lizard or even a turtle. Do your research on the animal you wish to get!!
Find out what there needs are, what kinda houseing they will need, what they eat, how big will they get, do I have space when they get bigger, do I have the money for this animal if something was to come up, can I aford the food and hydro bill?
Any of this stuff you can find on line or even talk to reptile breeders or people that work at pet stores (I say speak to the breeder you wish to deal with when getting a animal)
And do not forget to look around for reptile rescuers in your town! Even the reptiles need a second chance in finding a forever loveing home.