CraterValley's avatar


Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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e4animation's avatar
Don't fret. I have been thinking about Crater Valley recently. I think it will be coming back this year!
The-Hidden-Rock's avatar
But.... but that's what you said last year......
e4animation's avatar
I have been working on a tv series for 14 months and have only now just gotten back to freelancing and being at home again. Crater Valley is a project that I would love to do more of, but it takes time. I now have more time on my hands, but there are other projects that I'm more passionate about (as well as finding work, to earn money, so I can do these projects). As it is now, I am sort of booked until May this year, so there won't be anything happening until much later in 2015 (if anything at all). What kind of things did you wish to happen in Crater Valley? What have been your favorite bits so far? Send me a personal message if you prefer. I would love to hear your thoughts.
The-Hidden-Rock's avatar

So after each event, there are two different rewards for each hatchling and sproutling Vallans, and each characters are only allowed to pick one of the rewards to keep...

So, techincally, if a Deviant wants to get all of the rewards, they'd have to have four (Maybe six later on if Deviants can also have Seasoned Vallans in the future) characters going at the same time in order to get all of the rewards-

I know and seen some other members of the group have more than one Vallan, but is it okay to have multiple characters going on at once to get all of the possible rewards? Just wondering.