Journeying CatsCranberrytheCat on DeviantArt

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CranberrytheCat's avatar

Journeying Cats



Tell everybody I'm on my way! New friends and new places to seeeeeeee
Very excited to introduce the Journeying Cats! Starclan sent a prophecy to mine and SpotzOfTheWorld 's characters, guiding them back to the Old Forrest Territories to find a special cure for a mysterious plague - mind you, we wrote this before 2020 - crazy coincidence, that 😵‍💫
In order, we see Windclan warrior Suntail trying to get his distracted apprentices, Pebblepaw and Spottedpaw, to keep moving - Shadowclan medicine cat Fawnstep gazing forlornly back at the way they came - Riverclan warriors Nettlemist and Shyheart calling after Fawnstep (seems Shyheart has something she wants to say to her mate, but can't while his attention is elsewhere) - and Thunderclan cats Ravenshade and Hawkpaw taking the lead, finally bonding now that Hawkpaw is away from his abusive father back at the Lake Territories. This is one of my most intricate pieces to date, and that's mostly because I didn't have the sense not to draw every individual water ripple and grass blade yet, lmao 🤣 Anyway, I had fun on this one! Until next time!
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10187x2811px 36.21 MB
© 2023 - 2025 CranberrytheCat
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PawsomeHamster's avatar

This illustration is absolutely amazing! Each of the cats is drawn so well, and the background landscape is just incredibly beautiful.  Spectacular work! :)