Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 71Cozycosmicat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cozycosmicat/art/Undertow-A-Moon-Nuzlocke-page-71-898364637Cozycosmicat

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Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 71



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RIboo's Musing

Throughout the scripting process, I never really thought about just how Kai is pretty observant of things around him, which in SUMO you can kind of take for granted given your PC just kind of goes with everything. As I started to work on the comic I started to notice this trait XD (Ironic I didn't notice his observance skills) in how he tends to pick up on non-verbal stuff and tends to either try to diffuse or antagonize a situation depending on where the context of the situation falls on Kai's morality scale :P Which we know isn't.... SUPER lawful or nothin' but hey 
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Absollover13's avatar

I am DYING at the last 3 panels