Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 61Cozycosmicat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cozycosmicat/art/Undertow-A-Moon-Nuzlocke-page-61-884448435Cozycosmicat

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Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 61



First page:  Undertow- A Moon Nuzlocke 1 by Riboo Previous Page:  Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 60 by Riboo Next Page:  Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 62 by Riboo

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Riboo's Musings

So as a generalized update, I will be posting updates no the forums and the general public twice monthly now and once a week on Patreon. The reason for this is that I've found my comic schedule to be so tight with all the responsibilities I've been taking on as of late, that I hadn't realized it was suffocating me to the point that I felt stressed out and like I had to fight for any free time outside of the comic (Which there was little of now that I think on it) I hadn't allowed myself to take breaks very often and had worked on the comic every day for nearly two years now outside a few exceptions and that probably wasn't the healthiest :P 

So without further ado, enjoy the update and my previous notated musings for this page .u.b

Heh, so meta wise? I found the whole collect-a-thon side quest completely uninteresting, the battle to me wasn't something I cared to fit in script wise and I found the Kalos duo more of a distraction than anything. The battle wasn't really remarkable either, which worked out for me, because a death there would have been awkward as fuck to try and fit in since I considered the two non-characters in this case and more there to... provide a means to an end, which was to get you collecting. 

Plus, why just trust this random ass person with this task? I've the distinct feeling we're getting Tom Sawyer'd up in here. 

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Songal's avatar

Seriously WHY didn't we get a Kalos game after ORAS??? Why jump to a new region that has NOTHING to do with Zygarde just because an anniversary was coming up DX