Deviation Actions
Riboo's Musings
I know I ain't the best at drawing younger versions of some characters, but I hope the idea comes across. Kai is supposed to be around Island Challenger age (11) Olivia is probably just a tad older, or at least more developed than Kai at this age in terms of height and all that since girls mature faster than boys do (I had to look up a few things to do that one panel with younger Kai and Olivia here)
I kind of imagine, while the Alola islands are pretty much small town in terms of how rumors and the grapevine works and the fact that everyone knows everyone, that Team Skull members are somewhat out of touch in that respect, given how shunned they are by the general populace and how willing everyone is to ignore them unless they do something offensive like dancing, or existing. You know, criminal stuff.
This got a little dramatic pretty quickly.