Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke Page 55Cozycosmicat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cozycosmicat/art/Undertow-A-Moon-Nuzlocke-Page-55-879494963Cozycosmicat

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Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke Page 55



First page:  Undertow- A Moon Nuzlocke 1 by Riboo Previous Page: Moon Nuzlocke page 54 by Riboo Next Page: Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke page 56 by Riboo

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Riboo's Musing

In the meta of this conversation, I had actually over trained Fox to the point that the other member's of Kai's team weren't getting the attention they needed, something which I quickly was realizing after my battle with Hala didn't go so well and was practically just me lucking out that Makuhita could not hit Furruca, that I got a free turn out of the switch and that Furruca herself out sped Hala's ace. I remember sitting there not sure and not knowing how fast Furruca was, as I never trained a Drifloon before. I thought a long time of what I should do as I knew pursuit would hit if I pulled her from the fight and it would not be survivable because of how it works with switch outs. Then I thought, if I did that and switched to Fox, there was a chance he would not out do Hala's ace in speed and that a z-move would just OHKO him and that would be me down to Hakkan and Gankino, which Hakkan was already weakened and Gankino could NOT take a fighting type Pokemon strike. 

Sooooo, least to say, it was really close and I figured that either way Furruca was going to get knocked out so it was better to risk the speed over a switch that would end in death. 

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AnimeFan4Eternity23's avatar

Aw man, yeah, I totally get that. It is really hard not to put all your focus onto your starter. They are your first team member and first friend, after all. :)

And ooh... Does this mean we might get to hear a little about Kai's previous starter/team? >w>