Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke Page 45Cozycosmicat on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cozycosmicat/art/Undertow-A-Moon-Nuzlocke-Page-45-872309069Cozycosmicat

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Undertow - A Moon Nuzlocke Page 45



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Riboo's Musings

Sooooo, XD what happened on this page in the meta was that I was quickly realizing I was boxing myself into a corner, Hakkan, I figured she would be able to handle most of the fight and that I could save Furruca for Hala's final 'mon so I could bait and then nullify the fighting Z-move Hala would no doubt use as soon as he could (As Kahunas do not fucking WAIT to use that shit, they ain't playin') Least to say, I overestimated Hakkan's abilities in this fight and I was quick to want to protect her and was surprised to find that Makuhita does not have any moves that can hit a ghost Pokemon (I thought all of Hala's Pokemon had pursuit to deal with ghosts)

So least to say, this battle ended up being a bit more tense in the meta as I was terrified of risking any of my Pokemon to a potential KO Z-move and at this point I had already removed Kai's Pikipek from the party :l;;;;

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