Nights Nikkocowgirlem on DeviantArt

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cowgirlem's avatar

Nights Nikko



bah lame title!

I really liked this sketch of Nikko but anytime I tried to outline it and colour it it lost something... so i decided to be lazy and just colour the sketch. I'm in two minds about it really, sometimes I look at it and like it others not so much!

Anywho it's dedicated to the Nikko fagirls... namely *clericashleapreston *liliy and ~AngelP so there you go girls! I said I'd try to finish a picture of Nikko and I did.... kinda.

Nikko/ Arador (c) Me! *cowgirlem

Edit: yeah.. the Nikko "Fagirls" are actually Fangirls in disguise....
Image size
750x740px 421.21 KB
© 2005 - 2025 cowgirlem
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maiyeng's avatar
Aww, colorizing pencil sketches isn't a bad thing! I usually do it when I want a certain look! (or if I'm too lazy to ink.)
Love how you colored the hair! *^o^*